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Decimal Fractions and Multiples of Units

Decimal fractions and multiples of SI units and their derived quantities are typically indicated by prefixes. These prefixes denote multiples of 10 and enable the expression of measurement units in various orders of magnitude.

The table below presents the most common prefixes for decimal fractions and multiples of SI units, sorted by magnitude:

Decimal Fractions and Multiples of SI Units and their derived Quantities

Table 1: Decimal fractions and multiples of SI units
Prefix Symbol Factor Part or multiple Example
Atto a 10-18 Quintillionth 1 Attovolt = 1 aV = 0,000000000000000001 V
Femto f 10-15 Quadrillionth 1 Femtovolt = 1 fV = 0,000000000000001 V
Pico p 10-12 Trillionth 1 Picovolt = 1 pV = 0,000000000001 V
Nano n 10-9 Billionth 1 Nanovolt = 1 nV = 0,000000001 V
Micro \(\mu\) 10-6 Millionth 1 Microvolt = 1 \(\mu\)V = 0,000001 V
Milli m 10-3 Thousandth 1 Millivolt = 1 mV = 0,001 V
Centi c 10-2 Hundredth 1 Centivolt = 1 cV = 0,01 V
Deci d 10-1 Tenth 1 Decivolt = 1 dV = 0,1 V
Deca da 101 Tenfold 1 Decavolt = 1 daV = 10 V
Hecto h 102 Hundredfold 1 Hectovolt = 1 hV = 100 V
Kilo k 103 Thousandfold 1 Kilovolt = 1 kV = 1000 V
Mega M 106 Millionfold 1 Megavolt = 1 MV = 1000000 V
Giga G 109 Billionfold 1 Gigavolt = 1 GV = 1000000000 V
Tera T 1012 Trillionfold 1 Teravolt = 1 TV = 1000000000000 V
Peta P 1015 Quadrillionfold 1 Petavolt = 1 PV = 1000000000000000 V
Exa E 1018 Trillionfold 1 Exavolt = 1 EV = 1000000000000000000 V