1.6 Associated Shear Stresses
Hey, ready for some stress? No, not the "I'm late for work" kind of stress, but the associated shear stresses kind! It may sound complicated, but trust me, it's a piece of cake.
Picture a rectangular block. Boring, right? But inside that block lies a thrilling secret – shear stress buddies.

These buddies are like peas in a pod. They always come in pairs, with the same magnitude and orientation. Think BFFs in the world of stress.
How do we find these pairs? Easy, with a little mathematical magic.
Moment equilibrium is the magic word. We calculate the moment equilibrium about an axis parallel to the z-axis through the center of the block, and voila:
Note: Since equilibrium statements apply only to forces, we need to multiply the stresses by the area elements on which they act!
- Shear stresses in perpendicular cuts are tight as thieves.
- They have the same orientation regarding the common edge.
- They're inseparable.
- Their indices can be swapped.
So remember: Shear stress buddies in perpendicular cuts are always equal and have the same orientation.